March 9, 2025

Monastery Happenings 2015-05-04 15:28:00


Daily Prayer for May 4

Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt
And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14, RSV

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you for guiding us on all our ways with power from on high. We thank you that again and again you have led us through the darkness on a path of light. Looking back, we cannot be thankful enough. May our hearts turn to you and be filled with quiet certainty in all we are still awaiting. Remember us and remember the many who lie under heavy bondage. Let the time come when you will bring a great deliverance to those who are in darkness. Then we can find meaning for our lives in all that happens, knowing that you have been faithful in everything. You have done more than we asked, more than we can understand. Amen.

Daily Dig for May 4

Kathleen Noris

I know from experience that when I allow busy little doings to fill the precious time of early morning, when contemplation might flourish, I open the doors to the demon of acedia. Noon becomes a blur – no time, no time – the wolfing down of a sandwich as I listen to the morning’s phone messages and plan the afternoon’s errands. When evening comes, I am so exhausted that vespers has become impossible. It is as if I have taken the world’s weight on my shoulders and am too greedy, and too foolish, to surrender it to God.
Source: The Quotidian Mysteries
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