January 12, 2025

Saturday July 4 Happy Birthday USA The Land of the Free

Prayer for Independence Day

Merciful God,
we come to you in thanksgiving
for our nation.
We know that our many blessings —

of freedom, liberty, prosperity,

and other gifts too countless to list —
have come from your hand.
Our nation, and its many freedoms,
are a gift from you.
On this day, as we remember our
nation’s independence, we pause to
honor you, to praise you and
to thank you.
Heavenly Father, we pray that you
would forgive us our sins, and lead
us, as a nation, in the way we should
Let us not take for granted the many
gifts and blessings you have given us.
May we always honor you.
Be with us, Lord, as we strive to be a
light and a beacon from you, to the world.
In Jesus holy name, we pray.