Please note well that St. Clare of Assisi had a cat.
Connecting to the spiritual stamina, joy, and the pleasures of humble service of others modeled by St. Clare of Assisi.
Naming the Days Feature by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Clare (1193 – 1253) was born into one of the wealthy families of Assisi in Italy. She loved fine things as a teenager but was also drawn inwardly to a life of service. At seventeen, she heard Francis of Assisi, the monk who repaired churches and ministered to the sick, speak and say: “When there is poverty with joy, there is inner peace.” A year later, she decided to follow in his footsteps by giving up her life of wealth. Francis persuaded her to form a community of women at San Damiano. She spent the next four decades in prayer and contemplation. She was the first woman to write a Rule for religious life.
To Name This Day:
Prayers & Mantras
Adopting her words
“My Lord, I thank you for having created me”
as an sacred prayer of gratitude for the day.
Watch the film Clare of Assisi, a one-woman play written and performed by Karen Lee Hodgson that conveys the spiritual stamina, joy, humility and determination of this Christian saint.
Read The St. Clare Prayer Book: Listening for God’s Leading and adopt one of her prayer practices.