January 11, 2025

September 1st has been designated for all Catholics by Pope Francis as "Care of Creation " Day – Go Hug a Tree

C. JoyBell C. - Writer's photo.
Meister Eckhart , born around 1260, had a Creation-centered spirituality. the spiritual tradition that is most Jewish, the most biblical , the most prophetic, and the most like the kind Jesus of Nazareth preached and lived.  It has almost been lost in the West since Eckhart’s condemnation of HUMANS not living it.
Thanks to many young people, scientist, and Pope Francis
we are  beginning to turn back to an appreciation of the gift of creation. 
Meister Eckhart has confessed that he finds the world amazing. He is amazed by the grace-filledness of creation. He calls creation the “first grace,”  the grace of creation.”
He advises us to alter our way of seeing creation, to alter our consciousness.
Pope Francis has urged Catholics to set aside every September 1st as”Care of Creation” Day.
It is a good day to plant , garden, recycle and
Thoughts from above taken from the book Breakthrough, Meister  Eckhart’s Creation Spirituality by Matthew Fox