January 11, 2025

Thursday October 1, Feast of Saint Therese, known as the Little Flower


by achristianpilgrim

Saint Teresa was born at Alencon in France in the year 1873. While still young she entered the Carmelite monastery at Lisieux and practised the virtues of humility, evangelical simplicity and a firm confidence in God. By her words and example she taught the novices. Offering her life for the salvation of souls and for the spreading of the faith in the missions, she died on 30 September in the year 1897.
Let’s pray:
God our Father, You promised Your Kingdom to the little ones and the humble of heart. Give us grace to walk confidently in the way of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, so that, helped by her prayers, we may see Your eternal glory. We make our prayer in the name of Jesus, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Jakarta, 1 October 2015
A Christian Pilgrim
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Happy October 

This month, we celebrate two awesome saints and Doctors of the Church. Today is the feast of Thérèse of Lisieux, whose “Little Way” always reminds us that even the smallest outreach — a smile or kind word — can mean a world of difference to others! Later on October 15, we celebrate another great Carmelite nun — Teresa of Avila! Did you know she is the patron saint of A Nun’s Life Ministry?!

October is also Fall Fundraiser time. The fundraiser begins on October 15 and ends on November 2, All Souls Day. It’s the main time of year that we reach out to you for financial support of the ministry. We are counting on your support. This year, we’re excited to introduce a great new way to acknowledge everyone who donates to A Nun’s Life! More details are on the way soon! We’ll be posting everything on our website’s Fall Fundraiser page.

There’s lots more happening at A Nun’s Life throughout October. In the spirit of the season, stock up on fresh apple cider and cinnamon donuts and join us! 

Discernment Chat | October 8 @ 9 p.m. Eastern
Wondering where God is calling you? Discernment Chat is a great place to talk with others who are exploring God’s call. Join the live chat at aNunsLife.org/live.

Ask Sister podcast | October 14 @ 5 p.m. Eastern
Sisters Julie and Maxine are in the studio, talking with you about God, faith, religious life and maybe even pumpkin recipes! Tune in and join the conversation.
“Discernment Techniques in a World Full of Choices” webinar 
October 28 @ 7 p.m. Eastern
Our presenter Sister Deborah Borneman, SSCM, offers insights and helpful steps for the discernment journey—wherever God may be calling you! REGISTRATION is now open!

We’re happy to share news of the latest articles published by A Nun’s Life Ministry! Find links to other articles too in the newsroom at A Nun’s Life.
So much goodness happening! We pray you are well, dear friends, and are delighted to be connected with you.

Sister Maxine, IHM, Jane, Sister Julie, OSF, and Sister Julie, IHM
A Nun’s Life Ministry

Daily Dig for October 1

Kallistos Ware
God does not condemn us to hell; God wishes all humans to be saved. He will love us to all eternity, but there will exist the possibility that we do not accept the love and do not respond to it. And the refusal to accept love, the refusal to respond to it, that precisely is the meaning of hell. Hell is not a place where God puts us; it is a place where we put ourselves. The doors of hell, insofar as they have locks, have locks on the inside.
Source: “Image and Likeness,” Parabola, Volume 10, Number 1: Wholeness

Daily Prayer for October 1

Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer…Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:12,15, NIV

Lord our God, we thank you for your gospel, the great, good tidings we may carry in our hearts to give us joy in this present time, even though on all sides people are in anguish and agony. We thank you that your gospel fills our hearts with compassion, enabling us to help carry what many have to suffer. Show us our need of you so that we can receive your help. If we must be the first to suffer all kinds of pain and distress, may we do so joyfully because we have been promised blessing in the midst of all the pain. May we continually honor your name, praising you for the good news of your kingdom, for the promise that everything must work together for good through Jesus Christ the Savior. Amen.