January 11, 2025

Friday October 2 Feast of Our Guardian Angels and a New Book "In the Beginning Was Love – Contemplative words of Robert Lax Edited , with an Introduction by S.T. Georgiou

Prayer to Our Guardian Angels

ANGEL OF GOD, my Guardian dear,
To whom His love commits me here,
Ever this day [or night] be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

A New Book Edited by S.T. Georgiou

In the introduction by Steve Georgiou, he tells us that Robert Lax and Thomas Merton, the famous Trappist Monk, were friends.  Merton felt, and many others felt, that Lax was a saint where spirituality came easy to him.

Contemplative Words of Robert Lax, edited with an introduction by S.T. Georgiou, is a very small book, but it is not a book that one reads from cover to cover in one sitting.
It is a classic which has  to be meditated on word by word,
line by line. Read, then close the book and memorize, chew it in meditation, study it,  then put those words in action  in ourselves and toward others.

In the foreword Jonathan Montaldo says,
“Far from simple, although his life and poetry enflesh simplicity- Lax zeroed in on what was essential –
for ‘less reveals more.’
“We live in a confusion of words -no one any longer easily sees the value of ‘one star’, or ‘one Cloud’.
As Lax said so well,
“Love needs a compass.”

 For me, Lax is our compass.