October 6, 2024

Monastery Happenings 2016-05-22 15:55:00

God in Three Persons: A Doctrine We Barely Understand

Trinity Sunday -a Mystery
Frederick Buechner (author and Minister) had a unique reflection
He says”
Look in the mirror
A) There is the interior life known only to yourself and those you choose to communicate it to. (The Father)
B) the visible face which in some way reflects the inner life. (The Son)
C) the invisible power you have in order to communicate that interior life in such a way that others do not merely know about it but know it in the sense its becoming part of who they are (The Holy spirit)
Yet what you are looking at in the mirror is clearly and indivisibly the one and only you.

After reading this I recalled that St. Clare’s words to St. Agnes of Prague
Place your mind before the mirror of eternity(Triune God):

place your soul in the brightness of glory (God , father and Creator),
place your heart in the figure of the divine substance ( The Son who dwells in our hearts)

And transform your whole self through the contemplation of the Godhead- (The Holy Spirit’s work)