October 5, 2024

Join us in Prayer for all of Creation With the Prayer on our Blog

Join us in praying for all of Creation and all People.
May each of us develop caring relationships with all of God’s
creation and with all people who are part of our daily lives.
Thank You!
The Poor Clares of Chesterfield

Prayer for Creation
Lord , make me a steward of Creation.
Where there is violence, let me bring peace.
Where there are scars, let me bring beauty
Where there is destruction, let me plant Seeds;
Where there is waste, let me reuse;
Where there is domination, let me nurture;
Where there is want, let me give away;
Where there is pollution, let me be a healer;
Where there is exploitation, let me be reverent’
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to control as to let go and let God;
To be powerful as to protect;
to be rich as to be poor in spirit;
To be indifferent as to love deeply.
For it is in giving away that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is dying to self that we are reborn to eternal life.

(Inspired by Peace Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi)