October 3, 2024

Wednesday December 13, 2017 Feast of Saint Lucy Patroness of Eye problems

Prayer to Saint Lucy

This prayer to Saint Lucy is mainly for people looking for healing of eye problems and the healing of one’s soul.
Years ago I was in the middle of a car accident that caused many lacerations on my face including my left eye. After two eye surgeries I was yet blind with ten sutures in the shape of a ‘V’ in my left eye. I got used to living with one eye which I had full vision of.
Years later I was shocked when I found that my right eye was developing a Pterygium. I was told that the Pterygium could grow towards the centre of the eye and if it did, I would lose that eye.
Although surgery was an option, the eye surgeon was hesitant due to the risks. Because I was already blind in my left eye, he said that it was too risky.  Cornea replacement in the left eye was another option, but I did not have the funds. It cost a fortune.
In desperation, I prayed and it was during that time that I found the prayer to Saint Lucy.

prayer to saint lucy, saint lucy

Since then Saint Lucy has been a regular intercessor for me.
Initially, I could not see anything through my left eye. But gradually, I began to see light. Then blurry shapes, colours and moving objects.  Yet I cannot read with my left eye.  However, if a printed page is brought very close to my face, I am able to now see blurry letters.  I believe that God through the intercession of Saint Lucy has begun His healing process.
I know that God can heal me in an instant, but I trust that God has good reasons which I don’t understand for taking His time.  I believe that in God’s time I would be healed. I also know that Saint Lucy is praying for me, more for the healing of my soul.
Saint Lucy is well known as the patron saint for eyes. December 13th is the feast day of Saint Lucy and providentially, it was on that day that I found the prayer to Saint Lucy.
I believe that through Saint Lucy’s intervention, in God’s time, God will heal me.

Prayer to Saint Lucy

Saint Lucy
Whose beautiful name signifies ‘LIGHT’
by the light of faith which God bestowed upon you
increase and preserve His light in my soul
so that I may avoid evil,
Be zealous in the performance of good works
and abhor nothing so much as the blindness and
the darkness of evil and sin.
Obtain for me, by your intercession with God
Perfect vision for my bodily eyes
and the grace to use them for God’s greater honour and glory
and the salvation of souls.
St. Lucy, virgin and martyr
hear my prayers and obtain my petitions.

I also used the Prayer to Saint Lucy to pray for my friend Sue, who was going through an eye surgery. Sue too was in a similar situation, who lived with just one good eye.  She then lost vision in that eye. I asked St Lucy to intercede on behalf of her and we together prayed a novena to St Lucy.
A few months later Sue told me that she had completely recovered from the surgery and regained the full vision in that eye.
In gratitude, I created this webpage, Prayer to Saint Lucy in honour of this zealous saint of God. She is a virgin and martyr. Given below is a link to the life story of St Lucy.
Although, there are many different prayers to St Lucy, the above is my favourite prayer to Saint Lucy. Some invoke Saint Lucy’s prayers for woman with bleeding problems. The reason being, that her mother was healed through St Lucy’s faith and intervention.
I encourage young people to pray to St Lucy at times they are bullied, laughed at or mocked for their faith. This type of persecution happens at schools, universities, work places and even in their own homes. Saint Lucy stood strong in her faith and she will definitely pray for you for courage and joy.

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