October 3, 2024

Elections at the Monastery of Saint Clare March 24 , 2018

Bishop David O’Connell presided over the elections at the Monastery of Saint Clare of Chesterfield, NJ​ . Sister Etta L Patton​ was elected Abbess, Sister Miriam Anne Varley​ was elected Vicaress. Sister Barbara Gerlach was elected first councilor. Sister Donna Donna J Padalino​ was elected 2nd councilor and Sister Mary Flynn was elected 3rd Councilor. Sister Rose McDermott, SSJ (Ministry of Consecrated Life-diocesan Delegate for Religious and Institutes of Consecrated Life, Rev. Michael Wallack (Bishop’s Secretary and Director of Vocations), Rev. Msgr. Thomas Mullelly (Vicar for clergy and Consecrated Life/director of Seminarians/Director of clergy Personnel) were tellers as were our Sister  Kathi Nick and Sister Karen Stapleton. Congratulations to our Abbess and Councilors and to our Community. Praise the Lord . Friar Tom Hartle OFM from the Holy Name Province also assisted at the elections. Thanks to all.
Sister Donna Padalino is 2nd councilor 

Bishop O’Donnell and Sister Etta Patton before Mass

Rev. Michael Wallack, Bishop David O’Connell and Sister Rose McDermott SSJ 

Sister Etta Patton OSC receives the blessing for her office from the Bishop

Bishop David O/ Connell and Rev. Msgr Thomas Mullelly

The Abbess and Councilors with the Bishop and Tellers.

Sister Mary Frances Flynn 3rd Concilor  in back row to the right

Sister Etta receives the seal of the Monastery from the Bishop

Sister Barbara 1st Councilor back row second to left

Our Religious Assistant, Friar Tom Hartle OFM

Sister Miriam Varley   Vicaress of our Community