October 3, 2024

Friday in Easter April 6, 2018


06 Apr
Today’s Gospel Reading: John 21:1-14 – EASTER FRIDAY: 6 April 2018
One effect of the Resurrection was the eventual split of the Christian Church away from Judaism. Judaism was conservative because it was built around the Torah Law. That Torah Law could be applied, interpreted and adapted but the psychological posture was that of preserving and keeping the Law. By contrast, Christianity thrust outward from the start. Unlike Judaism, it was intensely missionary. The disciples were sent to all nations (the probable reference of the 153 fish).
The early Church had no hesitation in creating new offices, new rules, rearranging the Jewish liturgy to suit it own purposes and to speak in God’s name. The reason for such energy and creativity was that at its center was not the Torah Law but the Holy Spirit of the Risen Lord Himself.  The Christian Church has a dynamic center. At the center of our spiritual life is not an empty tomb or Torah Law but the Risen Lord Himself. His Spirit is present in our hearts urging us toward deeper faith and wider love.
The spiritual vigor at the center of the Church derives not from a thing, but from a Person — the Risen Lord.
Jakarta, 6 April 2018
A Christian Pilgrim