October 4, 2024

Celebrating Sister Frances Vass Incorporation into The Monastery of St. Clare,Chesterfield, NJ , September 18, 2012 , The Feast of St. Joseph of Cupertino

From the Official Book of Documents 
for the Poor Clare Sisters of 
Chesterfield, New Jersey

In the year of Our Lord  ,2012, on the eighteenth day of September,
in the presence of the assembled Community of the Monastery of Saint Clare,Chesterfield, New Jersey, Sister Frances Vass,OSC, a Solemnly Professed member of  Christ the King Monastery, Delray Beach,the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida, having completed the canonical requirement for a  transfer to another monastery of our Federation, was officially incorporated into our Community.
Notification of the incorporation was  sent to Bishop David O’Connell, Bishop of Trenton, New Jersey, Bishop Gerald Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, Florida, Rev. Thomas Hartle OFM, our Religious Assitant of the Holy Name Federation of Poor Clare Monasteries;and sister Leanna Chrostowski, OSC, Abbess of Christ the King Monastery of Delray Beach,Florida.

The Ceremony of Incorporation took place during Office of Readings in the Monastery of Saint Clare.
signed :
Sister Frances Vass OSC
Sr. Miriam Varley OSC
Sr. Mary Frances Flynn OSC
Sr. Pat Kahler OSC
Sr. Barbara Gerlach OSC
Sr. Karen Stapleton OSC
Sr. Natalie Hayes OSC
Sr. Etta Patton OSC
Sr. Donna Padalino OSC
Sr. Florence Vales OSC
Sr. Agnes Valimont OSC
Sr. Nelia C. Acuna OSC

Congratulations to you,Sister Fran 

Posted by sister Florence Vales OSC