October 4, 2024

Happy Feast Day to Our Lady Clare

Chapel decorated in an elegant style

The Way of the Lamb
We wish,
 until we are,
what Clare was.
Clare who kindles
 our hearts
to be lovers of God
and lovers of all.
She fills our minds,
with passages
from Scripture.
We take up her longing,
to pass from emptiness
to fullness.
 in a love
 that comes from God
and goes to God,
passing from death
to life.
But we, pondering her phrases, may miss
the mark.
So our Sister Moon,
reflecting light
from Brother Sun,
points beyond her self,
beyond her Francis.
to the way of the Lamb.
Rule Chapter VI
Since by Divine Inspiration you have made yourselves daughters and handmaids of the Most High Sovereign King.
The Testament of Clare:
Love one another for the sake of Christ, and show forth externally by your actions, the love that reigns in your hearts so that, urged on by each other’s example, the Sisters may always grow in the love of God, and in mutual Charity.
Clare’s love of Scripture : first Letter of Clare to Agnes:
Psalm 32; Matt 8,20;  Jn 19,30; Matt 6,20, 24; Matt 19,24
Matt 7,14,; Matt 19,29
Clare’s Third Letter To Agnes:
Truly, I can rejoice, nor can anyone rob me of such joy, because I now possess what under heaven I have desired.
Clare’s Third Letter to Agnes:
Love Him in complete surrender –quotes Jn 14,21”Who loves me will be loved by my Father etc.
Clare’s fourth Letter to Agnes.
You are espoused most wondrously to the spotless Lamb.

Posted by Sister Florence Vales OSC