October 3, 2024

July 16 The Light of Faith Continued -Letter of Pope Francis

We trust others who know no more than we do.
St. John gives u s various forms of the verb”to believe”
1) believing what Jesus tells us
2) Believing in Jesus
We believe in Jesus when we accept Him into our personal lives.
Faith does not divorce us from reality.
Faith helps us grasp reality’s deepest meaning  i.e.
God loves the world and God guides it toward Himself.
Paul tells us that our life of Faith becomes a new creation.;
A new being as God’s Children-Children in the Son.”
The core of the Christian life is we can call God, “Abba, Father.”
St. Paul asks us “What have you that you have not received.”
People even when they obey the commandments do good works are centered on themselves.
We fail to see that all goodness comes from God.
We cannot be the source of our own righteousness because we will become depleted and not even able to keep the law.
Once I think that by turning away from God I will find myself, my life begins to fall apart.
St. Paul says,”By grace you have been saved, through Faith, and it is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.”
Faith makes a difference.
We are transformed by the love which we have opened our hearts to in faith.
The Holy Spirit works on us and we have a new vision.
The life of the believer is a live lived in the Church-we are one body in Christ.

Posted by S Florence