Consider this scene. A lynch mob of Pharisees and scribes, zealous for the letter of the law, use the occasion of a woman caught in adultery to trap Jesus. They want to kill her, but they also hope to get Jesus entangled in a no-win situation. If they can only get Him to say something in public that can be interpreted as contrary to the law, they’ll surely have him in a vise grip.
But what does Jesus do? He simply bends down and starts doodling in the sand! He is not fazed or intimidated by their antics or schemes. Jesus is not all that easily thrown off center! He can’t be manipulated out of His position of love and mercy. In the midst of all the turmoil and commotion, He remained calm, and with one clear and piercing statement, He defused the situation and disarmed His adversaries completely (John 8:7). And, in the process, He saved a woman from death.
Jesus can do the same thing with us – no matter what the situation, not matter how bad the sin, and no matter how tumultuous the circumstances. Nothing fazes Jesus. He has come in love and mercy to save us and set us free. He is always focused on His mission. Nothing can distract Him from His purpose of delivering us from every evil and transforming us into His image. Whatever chaos might surround us, Jesus is right there with us, calm as ever, offering us His strength.
May we never think that Jesus will reject us or fail to come to our aid! He knows all the answers. He is able to foil every attempt of the enemy to accuse us or condemn us. He is the Good Shepherd, always able to guard His flock, always ready to seek out and save the sheep that have gone astray.
Dear Sisters and Brothers, never be afraid to come back to Jesus. He looks upon us with eyes of love and awaits us always with mercy and compassion.
Jakarta, 7 April 2014
A Christian Pilgrim
Lent Day 33 Do not Be Afraid
By Father Robert Barron
Lent Day 35 – The Lesson of Lough Derg and Never be Afraid to come Back to Jesus
March 20, 2014 by