October 3, 2024

St. Clare and Easter Light –

Statue of Saint Clare of Assisi in the Church of San Rufino in Assisi

Michael David Rosenberg, from England, has a song called “All the Little Lights” which is really a very contemplative song about our spirits and the image of light. Listen to the video of the song.
After listening to this song I came across different
ideas about light. in my reading

From the Jewish
Theology on Light:
In the Jewish tradition the candle flame is also thought to symbolically represent the human soul and serves as a reminder for the frailty and beauty of life. The Proverbs(20:27:”The soul of a person is the candle of God.” Like a human soul, flames must breath, change, grow, strive against the darkness and ultimately, fade away. Thus the flickering of candlelight helps to remind us of the precious fragility of our life and the lives of our loved ones, life that must be embrace and cherished at all times. Because of this symbolism, Jews light memorial candles on certain holidays and their loved ones’ yahrzeits.( the prayer for a loved one who has died.)
Saint Clare of Assisi’s name means light. Every Poor Clare likes this symbol of light for it speaks of Jesus’ words,”I am the Light of the World.”
And as the song above tells us  it is about keeping the light
alive in our spirits so everyone, Poor clare or not, will  let the light shine in our souls and so be a help to  others to  do the same.

Thomas Traherne in his book ” a Century of Meditations”
“We are born to be a burning and shining light and to show that light to the Universe.

Easter is a time of LIGHT
for Christ, our Light, shines in our Paschal Candle.
And as Antoine Saint Exupery says in his book
“Wisdom of the Sands”

The virtue of the candle lies not in the wax
that leaves its trace,
 but in its light.

Easter Shalom