When Zechariah was struck mute by the angel (Luke 1:20), he entered an intense time of blessing from the Lord. God wanted to teach him so that Zechariah could then teach his son what it meant to rely on God. When John was born, Zechariah’s response bore witness to the fruit of his nine months of silence. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he proclaimed God’s faithfulness and prophesied great blessings over his son.

We all have unfulfilled desires and hopes. As beloved children of God, we must never give up hope. We can place our full confidence in the One who called us by name and hears every prayer that springs from our hearts. As we wait on the Lord, let us ask Him to mold our characters and make us more like Him. In the end, we will find that His plan was far better than our own. We will be able to proclaim with Zechariah that it was not by human power but by divine power that wonderful things have taken place in our lives.
Jakarta, 24 June 2014
A Christian Pilgrim