October 2, 2024

Monday August 25 Visit by Friar and author Murray Bodo OFM

 Murray Bodo, a friar from the St. John the Baptist Province, Cincinnati, Ohio, stopped for a visit on his way to Assisi, Italy, where he will lead a pilgrimage to the places of St. Francis and Saint Clare.  Murray is an author of many books on Francis and Clare and one on Mystics of which included Robert Lax . Lax was the inspiration behind the writing of that book.  
The other leaders of the pilgrimage are Sister Frances Teresa Downing OSC and Friar Andre Cirino OFM both distinguished authors in their own right.  
Friar Murray celebrated Eucharist with us and gave a beautiful homily on the Contemplative Life.  He said that the definition of a contemplative is a person who  is always ready for the movement of the dance –  To dance as the leader leads you and not to try to lead, to bend when necessary and to believe and trust in the movement of the dance.

Friar  Murray’s latest book is Francis and Jesus.
 He has a new book coming out in January, Enter Assisi.
Pax et Bonum