October 1, 2024


02268_vladimir_theotokos_luke_dingmanAs the Christmas season unfolds, the Holy Spirit continues to invite us to ponder the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. Today’s feast is especially important because it focuses our attention on the fact that Mary bore the very Son of God in her womb. From the moment of His conception, Jesus of Nazareth held all the fullness of God’s love, grace, and power in His person.
This is the mystery, the wonder that Mary treasured and pondered in her heart (Luke 2:19). She did not fret over the dangers her new family would face. She did not worry about what might happen in the future, or regret what might happen in the future, or regret what might have happened in the past if she and Joseph had not been asked to raise the Son of God. Instead, Mary carefully observed all the ways God was working as she brought Jesus to birth and began to raise Him. She did not let God’s words and deeds become memories that gradually faded; she kept them alive in heart.
God does not want His truths to fade from our minds either. He wants us to imitate Mary by keeping His promises alive in our hearts throughout the year. Indeed, He is giving us this new year as an opportunity to grow in our knowledge of His love.
Of course, Mary did not just have the memory of historical events. She had Jesus with her, day after day. Now, through the Holy Spirit, we too can experience Jesus’ presence day after day. This is part of the promise of the Gospel. The more we prayerfully reflect on who Jesus is and what He has done, the closer He draws us to Himself.
In this new year, why don’t we (you and I) resolve to spend time each day with Jesus in Scripture and prayer? As we make the effort, we will find Jesus’ words taking on their own life within each of us and transforming us into His likeness. Let it happen. Let this be the year that we treasure and ponder Jesus, the Son of God.
Jakarta, 1 January 2015
A Christian Pilgrim