October 3, 2024

Wednesday May 9, 2018 The Problem with the Ten Commandments

Wednesday May 2, 2018 Video of The Monastery Grounds

BENEDICTA: Marian Chant from Norcia by The Monks of Norcia

Earth Day Video April 22, 2018

Friday April 20, 2018 Continuing Gaudete Et Exsultate (Rejoice and Exsult ) by Pope Francis

Image result for picture of pope francis praying the rosary
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth

These are strong words for where we constantly pigeonhole others on the basis of their ideas, their customs and even their way of speaking or dressing.  Ultimately, it is the reign of pride and vanity, where each person thinks he or she has the right to dominate others. –If we are constantly upset and impatient with others, we will end up drained and weary.  Saint Therese of Lisieux tells us that “perfect charity consists in putting up with others’ mistakes and not being scandalized by their faults.

Tuesday April 17 2018 Gaudete et Exsultate: What You Need to Know

april 17 Tuesday 2018 My Most Ambitious Project Yet!

April 14 th Celebrations

Sister Mary Frances Flynn entered the Monastery 60 years ago on March 18, 1958. We celebrated with a Mass presided by Father Peter Cebulka of the ORATORIANS. A festive meal followed with a few gifts.
Notice the three sisters, See no wrong, speak no wrong and hear no wrong. LOL They are Sisters Pat, Fran and Miriam. (I think it is cute)

Also on April 14th The Knights of Columbus 

The Knights of Columbus of St. Gregory the Great Parish in Hamilton, NJ visited us to day and gave us a very generous donation. Father Jay Borden ,the Knights Chaplain ,also came as well as our friend Andrew Usmiani. The Grand Knight Larry Sargent presented the check to our Abbess, Sister Etta Patton OSC. We are grateful to the Knights for their ministry in the Church and their kindness to us and to so many others, The Knights are a quiet force in the Church but they are the light that keeps the Church alive in these chaotic times. May God bless them and may they flourish with new members.

April 14 th Celebrations

Sister Mary Frances Flynn entered the Monastery 60 years ago on March 18, 1958. We celebrated with a Mass presided by Father Peter Cebulka of the ORATORIANS. A festive meal followed with a few gifts.
Notice the three sisters, See no wrong, speak no wrong and hear no wrong. LOL They are Sisters Pat, Fran and Miriam. (I think it is cute)

Also on April 14th The Knights of Columbus 

The Knights of Columbus of St. Gregory the Great Parish in Hamilton, NJ visited us to day and gave us a very generous donation. Father Jay Borden ,the Knights Chaplain ,also came as well as our friend Andrew Usmiani. The Grand Knight Larry Sargent presented the check to our Abbess, Sister Etta Patton OSC. We are grateful to the Knights for their ministry in the Church and their kindness to us and to so many others, The Knights are a quiet force in the Church but they are the light that keeps the Church alive in these chaotic times. May God bless them and may they flourish with new members.