October 3, 2024

Palm Sunday March 25, 2018


by achristianpilgrim

Jakarta, 25 March 2018
A Christian Pilgrim

Elections at the Monastery of Saint Clare March 24 , 2018

Bishop David O’Connell presided over the elections at the Monastery of Saint Clare of Chesterfield, NJ​ . Sister Etta L Patton​ was elected Abbess, Sister Miriam Anne Varley​ was elected Vicaress. Sister Barbara Gerlach was elected first councilor. Sister Donna Donna J Padalino​ was elected 2nd councilor and Sister Mary Flynn was elected 3rd Councilor. Sister Rose McDermott, SSJ (Ministry of Consecrated Life-diocesan Delegate for Religious and Institutes of Consecrated Life, Rev. Michael Wallack (Bishop’s Secretary and Director of Vocations), Rev. Msgr. Thomas Mullelly (Vicar for clergy and Consecrated Life/director of Seminarians/Director of clergy Personnel) were tellers as were our Sister  Kathi Nick and Sister Karen Stapleton. Congratulations to our Abbess and Councilors and to our Community. Praise the Lord . Friar Tom Hartle OFM from the Holy Name Province also assisted at the elections. Thanks to all.
Sister Donna Padalino is 2nd councilor 

Bishop O’Donnell and Sister Etta Patton before Mass

Rev. Michael Wallack, Bishop David O’Connell and Sister Rose McDermott SSJ 

Sister Etta Patton OSC receives the blessing for her office from the Bishop

Bishop David O/ Connell and Rev. Msgr Thomas Mullelly

The Abbess and Councilors with the Bishop and Tellers.

Sister Mary Frances Flynn 3rd Concilor  in back row to the right

Sister Etta receives the seal of the Monastery from the Bishop

Sister Barbara 1st Councilor back row second to left

Our Religious Assistant, Friar Tom Hartle OFM

Sister Miriam Varley   Vicaress of our Community

Catholic Disney Land! March 22, 2018

March 19, Feast of Saint Joseph by Friar Christian Seno OFM

Today, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph and I wanted to share this beautiful prayer written by my friend, Terry. In a world that is wounded by injustice and toxic masculinity, we ask: Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Prayer to St. Joseph
By Terrence J. Moran
St. Joseph…
Who believed in Mary’s word, make us a church that listens to women’s experience and their testimony of the action of the Spirit in their lives;
Who raised your son to be a peacemaker, make us a church of nonviolent resistance to war;
Who knew the joys of craftsmanship and the fatigue of work, make us a church that teaches the dignity of labor and that joins in the workers’ struggle for just wages and decent conditions.
Who listened to the voice of a dream, make us a church of deep contemplation, cautious of superficial answers, open to God’s surprises;
Who was a refugee, make us a church that is a home to the wanderer, shelter to the terrorized, haven to those in flight from violence and war;
Who was a member of a most unconventional family, make us a church of welcome to all families in all their wonderful diversity;
Who taught Jesus the wisdom in the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, make us willing disciples of Earth’s wisdom and loving kin of all creation.

Sunday March 18th, 2018

  • Friar Tom Hartle OFM of the Holy Name Province and our Religious Assistant came to our Monastery for our visitation. That means he came to see if we are living as true Poor Clares. You see Religious Life is like a basketball game. A couch doesn’t send the team onto the court unless they know the rules and regulations of the game. Plus the players have to play as a team and with no one trying to be the stars. The Players work together to win the prize. so it is for us we play the game to win an imperishable crown. Friar Tom gave us a good score so we continue on our Religious Madness daily.

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Milestone birthday March 12, 2018 for Our Sister Mary Frances OSC

Called to Seek Insecurity Sunday March 11,2017

Saturday March 10, 2018 Visit of OFM Conventual Frairs in Formation

Brother Jim Moore OFM Conventual  and his Friars in Formation were here this Saturday, March 10, 2018 to be present at prayer, dinner and sharing with us.

Winter March Madness March 13-14 Storm

March 1,2,3, Friar Michael Lasky Visits us

Friar Michael Lasky OFM Conventual who works in Washington, DC on the Peace and Justice committee for the Conventual Friars stopped to visit over the weekend. We have known Michael since 1993. It was good to share Eucharist whim him again. Sister Etta and Michael are at the gathering when Michael told us about his work.