October 4, 2024

Thanksgiving Thoughts Tuesday November 22,

The first Thanksgiving in America was a Catholic Mass

By pakosloski@me.com on Nov 22, 2016 05:28 am

I bet you didn’t learn this at school! Check out the full article at Aleteia:
Did you know that the first “thanksgiving” meal in the United States was notcelebrated by the Pilgrims in Plymouth, but by Spanish settlers, in what became Florida? And that first “Thanksgiving” was Eucharistic!
Historian Dr. Michael Gannon narrates the events that took place on September 8, 1565.
“When the first Spanish settlers landed in what is now St. Augustine on September 8, 1565, to build a settlement, their first act was to hold a religious service to thank God for the safe arrival of the Spanish fleet… After the Mass, Father Francisco Lopez, the Chaplin of the Spanish ships and the first pastor of St. Augustine, stipulated that the natives from the Timucua tribe be fed along with the Spanish settlers, including Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, the leader of the expedition. It was the very first Thanksgiving and the first Thanksgiving meal in the United States.”

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Thanksgiving Thoughts Tuesday November 22,

The first Thanksgiving in America was a Catholic Mass

By pakosloski@me.com on Nov 22, 2016 05:28 am

I bet you didn’t learn this at school! Check out the full article at Aleteia:
Did you know that the first “thanksgiving” meal in the United States was notcelebrated by the Pilgrims in Plymouth, but by Spanish settlers, in what became Florida? And that first “Thanksgiving” was Eucharistic!
Historian Dr. Michael Gannon narrates the events that took place on September 8, 1565.
“When the first Spanish settlers landed in what is now St. Augustine on September 8, 1565, to build a settlement, their first act was to hold a religious service to thank God for the safe arrival of the Spanish fleet… After the Mass, Father Francisco Lopez, the Chaplin of the Spanish ships and the first pastor of St. Augustine, stipulated that the natives from the Timucua tribe be fed along with the Spanish settlers, including Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, the leader of the expedition. It was the very first Thanksgiving and the first Thanksgiving meal in the United States.”

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Join us in Prayer for all of Creation With the Prayer on our Blog

Join us in praying for all of Creation and all People.
May each of us develop caring relationships with all of God’s
creation and with all people who are part of our daily lives.
Thank You!
The Poor Clares of Chesterfield

Prayer for Creation
Lord , make me a steward of Creation.
Where there is violence, let me bring peace.
Where there are scars, let me bring beauty
Where there is destruction, let me plant Seeds;
Where there is waste, let me reuse;
Where there is domination, let me nurture;
Where there is want, let me give away;
Where there is pollution, let me be a healer;
Where there is exploitation, let me be reverent’
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to control as to let go and let God;
To be powerful as to protect;
to be rich as to be poor in spirit;
To be indifferent as to love deeply.
For it is in giving away that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is dying to self that we are reborn to eternal life.

(Inspired by Peace Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi)

Christ the King


Feast of Christ the King

Sunday November 20th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.
He is the one who is in charge of our world and has a great love
of all His children, all are welcome into His love and care.
May we pledge our loyalty and our love and life to Him in
this time of our life.

Feast of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary November 17

Image result for picture of elizabeth of hungary
Today at the Liturgy of Office of Readings the Second alternative reading was from 1st letter of Saint Peter Chapter 3
1 to 18. We will just quote some of it from the translation by Eugene Peterson from the Bible called
The Message,  which we love.

Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated by your life of holy beauty.  What matters is not your outer appearance -the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes-but your inner disposition.

verse 3 the same goes for your husbands:Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them delight in them. –  In the new life of grace, your are equals.  Treat your wives,then , as equals.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary November 17, 2017

Brother sun & sister moon

Monday November 14

Altar of Saint Nicholas Tavelic | Croatia
Image: Altar of Saint Nicholas Tavelić in Šibenik Croatia | Church of St. Francis of Assisi.

Saint Nicholas Tavelic and Companions

Saint of the Day for November 6

(1340 – November 14, 1391)

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Saint Nicholas Tavelic and Companions’ Story

Nicholas and his three companions are among the 158 Franciscans who have been martyred in the Holy Land since the friars became custodians of the shrines in 1335.
Nicholas was born in 1340 to a wealthy and noble family in Croatia. He joined the Franciscans and was sent with Deodat of Rodez to preach in Bosnia. In 1384, they volunteered for the Holy Land missions and were sent there. They looked after the holy places, cared for the Christian pilgrims, and studied Arabic.
In 1391, Nicholas, Deodat, Peter of Narbonne and Stephen of Cuneo decided to take a direct approach to converting the Muslims. On November 11, 1391, they went to the huge Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem and asked to see the Qadi (Muslim official). Reading from a prepared statement, they said that all people must accept the Gospel of Jesus. When they were ordered to retract their statement, they refused. After beatings and imprisonment, they were beheaded before a large crowd.
Nicholas and his companions were canonized in 1970. They are the only Franciscans martyred in the Holy Land to be canonized.


Francis presented two missionary approaches for his friars. Nicholas and his companions followed the first approach (live quietly and give witness to Christ) for several years. Then they felt called to take the second approach of preaching openly. Their Franciscan confreres in the Holy Land are still working by example to make Jesus better known.

The Liturgical Feast of  Saint Nicholas Tavelic and Companions is November 14.

November 11 Veterans Day

Today we honor in loving memory our men and women of the armed forces who gave their lives for our freedom.
Before our altar, we have the book only of those who have died in Viet Nam .  The book is as large as a telephone Book of a major city.
We pray for them.
Our prayers are also for all veterans that are still living.
We thank you for your service and pray for you.
Poor Clares of Chesterfield, NJ