Monday October 5 Gospel Who is my neighbor
October 5, 2015 by
Happy Feast Day of Saint Francis Psalm 150 Kol Haneshama set to a melody by Michael Praetorius
October 4, 2015 by
This is psalm 150 and in Hebrew.
Perfect Sung for Francis
A biblical refection on THE 27th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME [YEAR B] – 4 October 2015)
October 3, 2015 by
Friday October 2 Feast of Our Guardian Angels and a New Book "In the Beginning Was Love – Contemplative words of Robert Lax Edited , with an Introduction by S.T. Georgiou
October 2, 2015 by
Prayer to Our Guardian Angels
ANGEL OF GOD, my Guardian dear,
To whom His love commits me here,
Ever this day [or night] be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
To whom His love commits me here,
Ever this day [or night] be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
A New Book Edited by S.T. Georgiou
In the introduction by Steve Georgiou, he tells us that Robert Lax and Thomas Merton, the famous Trappist Monk, were friends. Merton felt, and many others felt, that Lax was a saint where spirituality came easy to him.
Contemplative Words of Robert Lax, edited with an introduction by S.T. Georgiou, is a very small book, but it is not a book that one reads from cover to cover in one sitting.
It is a classic which has to be meditated on word by word,
line by line. Read, then close the book and memorize, chew it in meditation, study it, then put those words in action in ourselves and toward others.
In the foreword Jonathan Montaldo says,
“Far from simple, although his life and poetry enflesh simplicity- Lax zeroed in on what was essential –
for ‘less reveals more.’
“We live in a confusion of words -no one any longer easily sees the value of ‘one star’, or ‘one Cloud’.
As Lax said so well,
“Love needs a compass.”
For me, Lax is our compass.
Thursday October 1, Feast of Saint Therese, known as the Little Flower
October 1, 2015 by
Saint Teresa was born at Alencon in France in the year 1873. While still young she entered the Carmelite monastery at Lisieux and practised the virtues of humility, evangelical simplicity and a firm confidence in God. By her words and example she taught the novices. Offering her life for the salvation of souls and for the spreading of the faith in the missions, she died on 30 September in the year 1897.
Let’s pray:
God our Father, You promised Your Kingdom to the little ones and the humble of heart. Give us grace to walk confidently in the way of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, so that, helped by her prayers, we may see Your eternal glory. We make our prayer in the name of Jesus, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Jakarta, 1 October 2015
A Christian Pilgrim
Daily Dig for October 1Kallistos Ware
God does not condemn us to hell; God wishes all humans to be saved. He will love us to all eternity, but there will exist the possibility that we do not accept the love and do not respond to it. And the refusal to accept love, the refusal to respond to it, that precisely is the meaning of hell. Hell is not a place where God puts us; it is a place where we put ourselves. The doors of hell, insofar as they have locks, have locks on the inside.
Source: “Image and Likeness,” Parabola, Volume 10, Number 1: Wholeness
Monastery Happenings 2015-09-30 13:48:00
September 30, 2015 by
Wednesday September 30 Feast of Saint Jerome – Scripture Scholar
September 30, 2015 by
Born at Strido in Dalmatia about the year 340. He studied at Rome and was later baptized. Then he began to lead a life of asceticism, went to the East and was there ordained priest. Returning to Rome he was secretary to Pope Saint Damasus and began the task of translating the Bible into Latin as well as promoting the monastic life. He then settled in Bethlehem where he gave great help in the needs of the Church. He wrote many works, especially commentaries on the scriptures. He died at Betlehem in the year 420.
Prayer: Almighty, ever-living God, You endowed Saint Jerome with a deep reverence for Holy Scripture, which he loved with all his heart. Sustain us ever more with Your Word and help us to find in it the source of life. We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Jakarta, 30 September 2015
A Christian Pilgrim
Monday September 28 Pope Visits Prisoners
September 28, 2015 by
Pope at the Curran Correctional Institute in Philadelphia
Daily Dig for September 28
Thérèse of Lisieux
Love gave me the key to my vocation. I realized that if the church was a body made up of different members, she would not be without the greatest and most essential of them all. I realized that love includes all vocations, that love is all things, and that, because it is eternal, it embraces every time and place. Swept by an ecstatic joy, I cried, “At last I have found my vocation. My vocation is love! I have found my place. I will be love. So I shall be everything and so my dreams will be fulfilled!”
Source: Story of a Soul
Daily Prayer for September 28Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. Psalm 107:1–3, NIV Lord our God and our Father, we thank you for all the blessings you have brought into our lives and for everything we still hope to receive from your goodness. We thank you that through your Spirit you will work more and more in us and in all people, so that we are not held back by any human considerations but can go toward a higher goal. Keep us in your care. In all our special concerns may each of us experience your comfort and help, so that we may rejoice with the praise of your name always in our hearts. Amen.
Sunday September 27, 2015 Hymn Composed by Nomand Gouin and Text by Norbertine by Fr. Andrew Cerferni
September 27, 2015 by
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