Henri Nouwen
Thought about Gratitude
Thursday January 15 Pope Francis arrives in the Philippines
Pope Francis arrives in the Philippinesby Cindy Wooden |

Wednesday January 13 Thought for Today
Daily Dig for January 14Karl Joseph Friedrich
January 12, 2015 Sister Lydia receives the Poor Clare Habit
Sister Lydia received the Poor Clare habit today after one year as a Postulant. Sister Miriam and all the Sisters voted on Sister Lydia to receive the habit and Sister Miriam, the Abbess, gave her the habit today in the name of our patroness, Saint Clare. The Tradition goes on for as Saint Clare says in chapter II of her rule,” If any one, moved by Divine inspiration, should come to us wishing to embrace the life, the Abbess is bound to ask the consent of all the Sisters, and the person having despised the world with all its pomps and pleasures, and following in the footsteps of Christ and His most Holy Mother, chooses to live in Highest Poverty and in enclosure in order that she may be free to minster to God, – let her live this life together in community with all the Sisters.
Monday January 12 Thought for the day
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Sunday January 11 Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
Daily Dig for January 10
Daily Dig for January 10Hermas
Thursday January 8
Daily Prayer for January 8Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt