October 3, 2024

The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

From My Way of Life by Walter Farrel OP and Martin J.Healy

Reflections on Mary, The Mother of God

When God the Father resolved to send His only begotten Son into this world born of a woman, He chose and fashioned a woman to be the worthy mother of so great a son.  When we meet a very good child, we are quite likely to say, The child must have a very good mother”,.We explain the child’s goodness by the goodness of the mother. We believe that it is the goodness of the mother which has made the child good.  But in the mystery of the incarnation, it is the contrary which is true.  Mary of Nazareth is the perfect Mother of God because her son, Who is God, has made her so.  Because the Son of God is all holy and perfect, Mary His Mother in the flesh, must be as holy and perfect as she can be.  God did not cast His eye over all the woman in the world, seeking to discover which one was the best fitted to be the mother of His son.  Mary was not chosen by God because He found her to be the most perfect of women. Rather, He made her the perfect woman because He had chosen her to be the Mother of His Son.
Posted by Sister florence Vales OSC

Feast of the Sacred Heart

Today is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Below is a quote from Oswald Cambers, non-Catholic, but speaks well of the Love of God:
“Love is indefinite to most of us. We do not know what we mean when we talk about love. ..When the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ easily comes first.The first thing God does is knock out pretence and pious pose right out of me. The Holy Spirit reveals that God loved me not because I was lovable but because it was His
  nature to do so.Now He says to me show that same love to others-‘love as I have loved you’ I will bring any number of people who you cannot resect, and you must exhibit my love to them and you will not reach it on tiptoe.Am I prepared to be so identified with the Heart of Jesus that His life is poured out all the time? Neither natural love or Divine Love will remain unless it is cultivated. It has to be maintained by discipline.
Thoughts from Evlyn Underhill
Love ever moves
yet love  Eternal is.
Love ever seeks
yet seeks itself to find;
O Sacred ceaseless flow;
O wonderous meeting
of the unchanging and
Posted by Sister florence Vales OSC

Pope Francis and a Dove

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, seems to invite God’s creatures to himself.
Here the Holy Father makes friends with a dove.  Is it a sign for us?
Posted by Sister Florence Vales

Feast of the Visitation

A Visitation and A Song
                                   The world waited     
And watched for this moment
For many generations.
All the years
And all the prophets
And all the seers
Bow to the young girl of Nazareth.
Along comes
This Daughter of Zion
Untying the knot of Eve
And by her “Yes”,
This favorite Daughter
Of the Father  
Becomes the Mother of the Redeemer.
Woman of Israel
With Jewish roots,
Stepping out
Of the Hebrew Bible
Changing BC to AD
Stepping into the New,
Changes History.
The mother of the living
Walking softly,
Walking gently
Among us
Is pregnant now
With the Messiah
Emmanuel, God-with-us
The cousin greets the Mother of God
And Elizabeth’s unborn child
Leaps in her womb
Like David dancing
Before the Ark,
Like the messianic leap of joy
Among Isaiah’s poor.
She, the cause of our joy,
The New Ark
Housing the Word,
Chosen and willed
Into Motherhood
Finds her glory, like all mothers,
In being for her Son.
Elizabeth speaks chosen words,
“Blessed is the child
You will bear.”
Mary, who carries Jesus,
Carries the Church,
Carries us,
Virgin made Church,
From the beginning.
The new Eve, fashioned in Heaven,
Sings a new song.
Not the ancient one of Eden
But the perfect song
For her Son,
A sign of favor to us,
To the Church forever.
As exalted spouse of the Spirit
She stands out
Among the poor and humble 
Of the Lord,
Her heart full and
Overflowing to the heart of another
Sings her astounding secret.
“My whole spirit is soaring
in the greatness of Adonai.
My very being is joyful
Because of God my Savior.
For God has been aware
Of His lowly one
And because of this
All people will find hope.
All ages will look at this moment
As a blessing for me and for them.
Our Mighty God, in this one great act,
Has done wonderful things for me,
Blessed be He.
His Name, too holy to utter
Blessed be He.
Holy is that Name.
His undeserved kindness is for all
Who worship Him in every generation.
His mighty Arm shows His power,
Most of all, in caring for the needy.
He changes the plans of the proud,
In their hardened hearts.
He has brought them down
From their high position
And sets the lowly ones in their place.
Wonders are given to those who long for it
And those, not of opened heart,
Go away empty.
He never forgets Israel or you,
Always full of loving-kindness for us all.
For God promised Abraham and Sarah,
And their family, to be with them always.
He promises us the same.
From now until forever.
We ask you, then,
Virgin Mother of the Savior
To intercede for us.
You who  brought forth
Your son in the flesh
Bring us forth in spirit.
Help us to see your Son
Appearing now in our neighbor
Making all of us one,
Making us Church.
“Blessed are you among women,
Blessed is the fruit
of your womb.” 
·          Gospel of Luke
·          Vatican Document :Lumen Gentium
·          Francis of Assisi: Prayer to the Virgin
·          Litany of Loretto

Pope celebrates Mass with Swiss Guards: Courage is needed to truly live the faith

Pope celebrates Mass with Swiss Guards: Courage is needed to truly live the faith

Sister Karen’s First Vows April 27, 2013

Posted by Sister Florence Vales OSC

Monastery Happenings 2013-04-30 12:50:00

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Sister Karen’s First Vows, April 27, 2013

Sister Karen promised to follow the Gospel Way of Life of Saint Clare on Saturday, April 27, 2013.
Father Steve Kluge OFM of Brant Beach, NJ was the main celebrant and homilist for the Mass.
It was a beautiful Day for Sister Karen and for our Community.

Left to right:Fathers Lennon SVD, Peter Celbuka,Jack McSherry SVD and SteveKluge OFM Main Celebrant and Homilist.

Sister Karen is fourth from the left.

Celebrating the Baptism of the Lord with the Franciscans of the Holy Land | Travelujah

Celebrating the Baptism of the Lord with the Franciscans of the Holy Land | Travelujah

Celebrating the Baptism of the Lord with the Franciscans of the Holy Land

9 January, 20129 January, 20122 commentsThe Church in the Holy Land The Church in the Holy Land

On January 8, Travelujah.com arranged for me to to accompany the Franciscans of the Holy Land on their annual pilgrimage to the Jordan River. This “annual” trip was rather unique, because the same event was celebrated at the same place… less than three months ago. The reason: Until recently, the Baptismal Site known as “Qasr al Yahud” was a closed military zone, and pilgrims were allowed to go there only once a year, on the last Thursday of October. But last summer the Israeli authorities opened the site all year-round. With the site now much more accessible, the Franciscans decided to move the date of their annual pilgrimage to the most appropriate liturgical time for it, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, celebrated on the first Sunday after Epiphany (January 6).

The busload of friars left Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem shortly after 8 AM, with a festive atmosphere on board. The attempts of Fr. Artemio Vitores, the Custodial Vicar, to announce the order of the day on the microphone were periodically interrupted by various jokes and songs. After only a half-hour ride, we made a brief first stop at the Parish of the Good Shepherd in Jericho, where the friars and faithful were welcomed by the local civil authorities. Fifteen minutes later, we were back on the bus and heading for the Jordan River.


At the Jordan River

As soon as we arrived, the Franciscans lined up for their ceremonial procession, starting from an abandoned monastery next to the parking lot. The friars led the procession towards the river, walking through the rocky ground in two orderly rows while singing Latin hymns such as “Lauda Ierusalem Dominum” and “Christus vincit”. They were followed by the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, accompanied by religious, civil and military dignitaries, and with the faithful closing ranks just behind them.


Once arrived at the shore of the Jordan, the Mass began promptly, celebrated by the Custos. The setting was ideal as we sat in balmy weather under the palm trees, just a few feet away from the water in which Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. The reading from the Gospel of Matthew reminded us that this is the place where Jesus’ calling and mission were revealed by the Father, when after coming out of the water the heavens were opened, the Spirit of God descended like a dove upon Him, and a voice from heaven said “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mat 3:17).


When the Custos walked around the crowd, sprinkling the people as a reminder of our baptismal promises, it felt like a unique privilege to be blessed with a few drops of water from the Jordan on this Feast of the Baptism of Jesus. As Fr. Ibrahim, the parish priest of Jericho, reminded us in the homily, our baptism signifies a dying with Christ and rising to new life with Him. The moment was surely especially moving for the parents of the five children who were then baptized by Fr. Ibrahim.

In contrast to the deserted Jordanian shore of the river facing us, just a stone’s throw away, the large joyful crowd on our side left no doubt that a festive event was being celebrated.

“It’s great to be here, a real privilege” said Brother Mauritius, a Benedictine seminarian who joined the Franciscans for the day. “It was a very nice celebration at the Jordan River, on the day of Jesus’ baptism at the place of his baptism.”

Fr. Paul, a young Indian priest studying in Jerusalem, echoed him: “I really enjoyed this day, it was really wonderful to see five children being baptized at the same place where Jesus was baptized.”

The Mount of Temptation

After Mass, we got back on the bus and headed for the Mount of Temptation, traditionally believed to be the place where Jesus went into the desert after His baptism to be tempted by Satan for 40 days. The hike up to the Greek Monastery, known as Qarantal, protruding from the rock high above Jericho, was not as daunting as it looked from below – a mere 20 minute walk from the parking lot.


At the entrance of the monastery, a Franciscan deacon read the account of Jesus’ temptation before we entered for a short visit. We walked through the narrow passageway that connects the entire monastery, and were treated to some refreshments and snacks, courtesy of the Orthodox Monks who take care of the monastery. We then had a quick peek at the few modest chapels and caves carved into the rock in this masterpiece of monastic architecture, before heading back down to the bus towards our last top of the day.

Lunch at the Jericho Parish

We ended where we began, on the lawn of the parish church of Jericho. Friars and guests were treated by the local Palestinian Christian community to a fantastic lunch of grilled meats, Arabic salads (including the obligatory hummus and eggplant spread), and various baked goods. It was a light time of casual conversation, old and new encounters with much good humor and laughter, and the sharing of experiences in many languages: in addition to the lingue franche of the day, Italian and Arabic, one also heard plenty of Spanish, French, English, Hebrew, and other tongues.

In a time of conflict and turmoil in the Middle East, it was a mini-reversal of the Tower of Babel and actualization of the unity and fraternity of Pentecost. This was most visible at the end of the day, when some of the Franciscans got together to sing songs in their various languages. The improvised talent show crowned a day well spent celebrating the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and our own participation in the mystery of His life, death and resurrection.


View the photo album of the Franciscan Pilgrimage to the Jordan River

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Posted by Sister Florence OSC

Christmas- Reflection

baby jesus
It is hard to celebrate this Christmas with joy and happiness
 because of the tragedy at Newtown, Ct. 
The massacre at Sandy Hook School  has made us, as a nation,  look more deeply it to our own value system.
We  are  asking questions and offering solutions but when all is said and done we once again are left silent.
The silence that becomes prayer.
That is all we have to offer and maybe in the end as we pass this spirit of pray  on to our childrent that is enough. In doing this  we may behold the face of this
little Child who took on our flesh , and bore the same pain that we are bearing now.  We know Mary, His Mother, held His broken body
when He died at the hands of people who chose to rid the world of this Man, this Man who never sinned. 
May the parents find some consolation in Mary’s own suffering as a Mother.
May the parents know that we support them with our prayers.May  we survive and grow.  That is our prayer.
 Posted by Sister Florence Vales OSC