March 9, 2025


The work of the Poor Sisters, being manual work, has its simplicity and closeness to the people who also must labor. We bring to our work one of the charisms that Saint Clare left to her daughters: a deep trust in Divine providence in the face of concern as regard to one’s own livelihood.

Our main work to support ourselves is the distribution of Altar Bread to the parishes in the diocese of Trenton.

“Saint Francis and Saint Clare considered work as a gift from God and called it a grace, so that, with the help of the Lord, we may return to Him an increase of His talents. Observing the common law of work, we participate in the creative and redemptive work of God. Work is necessary to balance and support the spiritual life, because idleness is the enemy of the soul. Let all the sisters find joy in any work, no matter how humble or difficult. Let them work faithfully and lovingly in God’s sight.” From the General Constitutions of the Order of Saint Clare